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How to Use Flowbot using Kait Dashboard?

Sep 25, 2022 10 min read

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Click on Flow Bot button then you will redirect to this below page

How to Create WhatsApp Flow Bot

flow bot create

This button will allow you to create a new chatbot, once you click on it you will be prompted with this page:

select channel

Once you click on choose channel you will get option to choose interested channel

This is how the page will look like after selecting WhatsApp:

channel select

This is where you can input the name of the chatbot under the flow bot name field

Flow bot message

  • The first message refers to the welcoming message which can include an option to select the language or the department depending on your use of the chatbot.


Once you hover your mouse over the textarea box it will turn blue and have a plus button:

Flow bot message

+this button allows you to add responses to your message.

Flow bot response

these are the response types that can be added

1. Options this button allows you to choose from several options to add an interactive reply.

2. Message this button allows you to type a sub message that would be sent separately on top of the other message you want

3. Image this button allows you to put an image in the message

1. Video this button allows you to put a video in the message

1. File this button allows you to put a file in the message

Options > Button

once you click on Options button you will receive different choices to pick from

1. Button allows you to create interactive buttons to select from in the chat

2. List allows you to create a list with several options to select from

3. Numbers allows you to create a numbered response which will allow clients to type in the number to receive an answer or to continue in the flow

This is how the message will look like once you add a button to it

Add Action

Once you begin typing in the text box a Add Action button will appear to you:

response button message

The [Add Action] button is available to the list and numbers as well.

Once you click on the button, you will receive several options to select from

Add Action Button

button options

1. Transfer to Agent allows the chatbot to transfer the chat to an agent

2. Add a New Message allows the chatbot to display the following message or to create a new one

3. Send Ticket allows the client to send a ticket to the agent

4. Appointment allows the chatbot to display appointment slots if you set them

Transfer to Agent

Once you select this option will appear for you:

transfer to agent

Transfer To choose options from dropdown list, this is where you can choose who you want to receive the chat

Each type of agents is explained below:

Any Agent: will allow the chatbot to transfer the chat to any active agent.

Only admins: will allow the chatbot to transfer the chat strictly to admins only.

Only agents: will allow the chatbot to transfer the chat strictly to agents only.

English Agents: will allow the chatbot to transfer messages to the agent that set their language to english only.

Arabic Agents: will allow the chatbot to transfer messages to the agent that set their language to arabic only.

Add a new Message

If you click on this is how the message will look like:

add a message

You can then select if you want to create a new message or to an existing message from choose message

This option can help you to either continue with the flow of the chat or add new flows

Send Ticket

You can allow the clients to send you a ticket by selecting this option and it will appear like this

send ticket


You can allow your clients to book appointments according to the time slots that you create which would be suitable for you, you can also add the appointment booking options in the english and arabic language.

By clicking on the button, this prompt will show which will allow you to pick the language you want from language dropdown

After choosing the language, it will show the message like this:


You can edit the messages that show with the appointment setting by clicking on the settings button, this screen will show:

set language option

Then you can change the text according to what suits you and click on Update to save.

Options > List

To add a list to your message, click on List then select it will look like this:

Response List

this button allows you to add components to each section:

List section option

The section and subject are different because the section is the main component and the subject is a small part of it.

There is an button which will allow you to add an action based on the 4 already explained before.

If you select + the button it will allow you to add another section that would have different subjects

This is how the second section looks like:

List section

This is an example of how it will look like if you added all the different actions:

List data

Options > Number

To add a list to your message, click on Options then select it will look like this:

options Numbers

You can add as many numbers as you want as there is no limit and the button itself does not have a limit to words.

All of the numbers can have actions added to them, can be done by clicking on and then selecting the action you want.

To add a new number, click on button then press to create one.

This image below shows how the numbers would look like with every action used.

options number action

How to Create Instagram Flow Bot

As for the Instagram flowbot, ours offers you to add ice breakers to the chat, which would almost be the equivalent of the buttons on whatsapp, the limit of ice breakers are 4 and they only show once when the client starts a conversation on the direct message the other times the client would contact through direct message it will show the first message in which you can add buttons to it so the conversation gets carried between the chatbot and client.

This is how the first message would be like:

instagram icebreaker


And this is how the ice breakers look like:


As for the first message that will appear if the client sends a message you can add buttons to it to resume the conversation through buttons, there is a limit of 3 buttons. To add them click on the + then Options then
and then to add an action

instagram options button

The actions you can add to the buttons are limited to two, the which will allow the conversation to be transferred to the agent and the which will allow you to continue the conversation with either a new message or to connect another message within the flow.


As for the responses, you can add them through clicking on + then the responses will show like below image

instagram responses

the difference instead of File the there is a Card option


There are two types of cards

To upload the image of the card, click on the button

Inline Button

1. refers to the button that includes other buttons as options. This is how it looks like

inline button

Web View Button

2. refers to the button that will display a web page according to the link provided. This is how it looks like

inline button

For example:

peace cruise

For more information, please contact our helpline or WhatsApp us.